Bookmarks organizing feature [requested]
under review
Lukas Gaucas
It would be nice to have an organizing feature for
similarly to the feature the Pinterest has with organizing boards. It would save a lot of time if we could organize bookmarks by our own means e.g.: have a board for bookmarks organized by author or specific field (subject) . You get the idea .I am highly recommending to revise this feature requested . Thank you .
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under review
Thank you for your detailed feature request about introducing a bookmark organizing feature similar to Pinterest's boards. I can see how this would be beneficial for categorizing and finding bookmarked content more easily. To better understand your needs, I have a few questions:
Frequency: How often do you bookmark articles and feel the need to organize them?
Current Issues: What challenges are you currently facing with the existing bookmark system?
Importance: On a scale of 1-10, how crucial would you say this organization feature is for your experience on our platform?
This will help us prioritize the feature.
Mueez Khan
I agree, maybe something like creating our own bookmark “groups” or “lists” and we can label them with a name. Perhaps also an option to share these bookmark lists publicly (like a collection of various related blog posts).