Korean is not displayed in the body of the RSS.
I'm Korean and I'm writing a blog in Korean, but I'm having a problem with the RSS not showing Korean in the body.
You can check it at the following address: https://dimohy.slogger.today/rss.xml
I can see Hangul(Korean Language) in the green box in the screenshot, but I can't see Hangul in the body content in the red box.
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The problem still exists.
Granted, it's only been 3 months since I posted the issue, but I'd like confirmation that the problem exists. Please respond in the comments.
Once again, I'll share a screenshot.
If you look at the screenshot I shared
You can see that the Korean text is visible except for the description. But if you look at the last green box, you can see that most of the text is in Korean, but it's not visible in the RSS.
The second screenshot is what it looks like in an RSS reader. As you can see, we don't see any Korean characters except for the alphabet.
Please check the issue.